Mission Statement: The Usher and Greeter ministry is designed to assist in providing a warm atmosphere of friendliness and acceptance for all those who come to Montco Bible Fellowship. We communicate God’s love for people through a sincere, joyful spirit. We are committed to the ongoing spiritual growth and discipleship of each member of our group.
The Usher and Greeter Ministry worships God through the provision of helps during all worship services and special services. We serve the congregation in a Christ-like manner, facilitating the events of the church while aiding all congregation members and visitors.
This includes seating assistance when needed, and other assigned duties during services. Greeters also respond to the needs of the pastoral staff and guest speakers as it pertains to service preparation and needs arising during services. We also coordinate the reception where first time visitors get an opportunity to meet with our pastoral staff after services. After services we make sure that the sanctuary is kept neat and clean.
“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17 NKJV