Mission Statement: We publicize church events internally and throughout the community to reach saved and lost souls, to promote fellowshipping, and develop relationships, which enable the body of Christ to make disciples who love God and share His love with the world.
The publicity ministry informs our church membership, our local brothers and sisters in Christ and members of the community at-large of events and about programs sponsored by Montco Bible Fellowship. We distribute event information via social media, mass mailings, flyers, radio, and through articles and announcements in print media. We also post church event information on our Montco website and our Facebook Page.
We pray that our ministry will draw our community together to praise and worship Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and to encourage a life of Christ-likeness, discipleship, and evangelism.
We view every MBF member as an extension of publicity, but if you’d like to formally join the ministry, please contact one of our pastors or speak to a member of our group.
Verse: Then we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will give You thanks forever; we will show forth and publish Your praise from generation to generation. Psalm 79:13 (AMP)