Missions Statement
The men’s ministry, in accordance with the teachings and instructions of the pastor and associate pastors of Montco Bible Fellowship, seeks to enhance the Christian experience for any male member of Montco through appropriate discipleship, fellowship, friendship and evangelism.
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which has no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him. (Psalms 32:8-10 NIV)
The Four Areas of Concern:
Like Christ first selected his disciples and taught them his ways, the men’s ministry will instruct its membership in the ways of becoming strong Christian male role models for our church, our families, and our communities. The Bible will serve as our instructional manual always and we will continuously consult it to sharpen our understanding of the scriptures and to apply them to our everyday lives.
As Christians of the same like mind, we will maintain a ministry that will continuously strengthen one another by providing an atmosphere of support and solidarity through our bond in Jesus Christ. We will steady one another whenever the carnal forces that surround us daily become too weighty. The ministry will serve as a foundation upon which its members will always be able to find camaraderie regardless of their individual circumstances as long as they continue to be in the body of Christ.
We seek to be as close to each other as brothers, respectful of our individual identities but bound together in our love of Jesus Christ. We seek to avoid any disharmony among members by exercising patience, understanding, selflessness and other Christian values such that our deeds and words will be done in honor of the Lord. Our aim is to glorify God through our persons at all times.
Like all ministries at Montco, the men’s ministry will seek to lead people to Jesus Christ. Effective evangelism, however, is only possible after first becoming comfortable with the word of God in order to be able to explain it to others. The desire to expand the kingdom of God is paramount to any believer as we want as many people as possible to be saved when the Lord comes again. There will be plenty of opportunities for members to study the word of God and to receive instructions in the word from qualified instructors.
The men’s ministry at Montco, through its leadership and the support of its membership, will organize activities and/or events to achieve the aforementioned concerns while supporting our church and its membership in general. As the scriptures have taught us, men are to lead the church but first we must be worthy in the eyes of God to undertake this responsibility. By continuously strengthening our Christian lives through nurturing one another, we will become the worthy leaders of our church as well as our families.