Something Extra

Something Extra

Men's Ministry Our goal is to build disciples one scripture at a time. It falls in line with the statement of faith we believe to be true. Jesus will return…
Children’s Church

Children’s Church

Our Children’s Church goal is for our children to develop a love for the Lord and His word. Our dedicated teachers are available to teach and walk alongside our students and their parents/caregivers.
Courageous Ministry Group

Courageous Ministry

An extension of the Men’s Ministry Mission Statement: To engage, encourage, and equip boys and young men today to be the godly men of tomorrow who are fully able to…


Mission Mentoring and empowering young ladies to seek God first and to be a shining light in their generation Vision To see our young women walk with God’s wisdom and…


Mission Statement: Reaching into and out to our international community to faithfully share the love of Jesus as we teach them English and develop meaningful relationship with them. ESL School…